Personal Injuries

Smith Foy & Partners LLP has a wealth of experience acting for people who have suffered personal injuries as well as acting for insurance companies and other defendants to personal injuries actions.

Under the Personal Injuries Assessment Board Act, 2003, almost all personal injuries claims must be referred to the Injuries Board before Court proceedings can be issued.

The claim may be assessed by the Injuries Board if the parties are in agreement, but if either side is unhappy with the assessment, the Injuries Board will issue an authorisation which will allow you to pursue your claim through the Courts.

This will involve issuing a Personal Injuries Summons in the appropriate Court and swearing an Affidavit to verify that the contents of the Summons are accurate.

It may also involve obtaining reports from experts such as doctors, engineers and accountants.

Once your claim is in the Courts system, there will be a number of additional procedural steps that will have to be followed on both sides before the case can be listed for hearing.

Smith Foy & Partners LLP provides a personal injuries litigation service covering all elements of a claim from the Injuries Board stage through to a Court hearing.

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  • Phone: +353 1 6760531
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